LD42 Results!!!

I was so busy these past couple of weeks I totally forgot to post my results here. So I’m doing that right now:


Pretty happy with these results! It’s actually the highest overall rating I had! On the next Ludum Dare, I’m hoping to make it to top 100!

If you haven’t played the game yet, you can play it online here:


Please Check Out My LD Jam Game!

With all the excitement of the recently concluded Ludum Dare game jam, as well as the fun in playing and rating other people’s games and receiving amazing feedback as well, I totally forgot to post about my game here!

You can check out the LD page of my game here: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/42/dark-lord-ludum-dare


I came up with this game because I was playing chess on my computer. I got the idea from the king when it is in check or the game is stale mate, where the king has no where else to go. That’s where the theme clicked for me. I imagined a game where the goal of the game is to trap the enemies so that they will ran out of space to move on. I then set to make a board game / strategy game.

The feedback I got was totally amazing! Didn’t expect a lot of people to like it. I will try to post a gameplay video by next week. I’m also planning to write a post mortem so be sure to check out this space.



Wow! That theme!

I admit, I down voted this one. It’s very similar to previous themes (running out of power, small world, one room). I think there were other “better” themes but hey, it was the result of the voting.

I had a hard time brainstorming a game for this since I’m going solo (I’m submitting for the compo). I don’t want to go the easy route of doing a game where the level shrinks (ala Battle Royale). So I tried to think out of the box but to no avail.

However, I thought of a chess game where the king can no longer move (either checkmate or stalemate). Then I thought some more. And that’s when I decided to make something like a chessboard where the goal is to reduce the area / world so that the enemies can no longer move.

After a few hours of coding, debugging, and testing, here’s what I came up with:


Ludum Dare 42: I’m In!!!

Ludum Dare is here again! For those of you who don’t know what Ludum Dare is, it is a worldwide game jam where you make games based on a voted theme for 72 hours (there is a Hard mode called compo where you only have 48 hours!). Then, after the game, you can play and rate other peoples games and they will play and rate yours. It’s a great way to make and finish a game, show your creativity and skills, learn something new, and receive feedback for your game.

I’m planning to join the Compo for the first time. So my game plan is to just keep it simple. I’ll be making a timelapse of my workflow so watch out for that.

This will be my fourth time joining LD. Last LD, the theme was “Combine 2 Incompatible Genres.” I held a game jam in our school with my students and we were able to make three games. It was fun working with my students and see their enthusiasm and creativity in making video games.

Here’s a short video of our game jam:

The Professional Protesters are Here!

Here’s the game I made last Ludum Dare 39. The theme was “Running Out of Power.” This is a clicker / idle game where you need to keep your protesters energized so that they can continue protesting, gain influence, and achieve their goals (and earn money as well!).

I had a great time making this. To my surprise, it ranked 44th in the Humor category! Wow!

You can check out the game and download it here:
